This is just an appreciation to my beautiful wife and my beautiful daughter. They made me realize how blessed I am to have them in my life. My wife....oh my's funny when i met her at a sports bar....she was trying to lean over the bar and actually looking at ESPN....i'm like okay....she "playing the role" she's into sports....after i got to know her...dayumm...she know more sports than some of my homeboys. We argue sports more than's rather cool..i must's like i married the perfect 'round the way' girl...she can talk professionally about politics, religion, sports, anything. And she can get "rough" on she reminds me so much...she's "straight from the dec"....ya'll know what it is....and she doesn't drink or smoke. When she first told me that...i was like "Ding, Ding".....I won a prize and a lifelong designated driver. Now for me, oh boy, as she tells her friends, "sarccastik drank like an ol' man"...martell, name it. I tell her all the time...she's the CFO of Sarccastik Enterprises, and I'm the CEO.....i'm the mind you the CEO needs the CFO to run. That's my girl. She is my rock and I'm hers. As we always say, "Me and You against the world". To this day, i'm trying to figure out if I pimped her or was it she pimped me...hmm....she'll tell you the latter...
Now for my 22 month old, lol...the first thing that came to mind when she was born was Stevie Wonder's song..."Isn't she lovely"....i'll never forget that for the rest of my our little "dora"...when we tell her something she is saying ''no man"...we don't know where she got that from...she knows'll say "bbball"'s cute....we hi-5 each other when there's a touchdown...she screams touchdown too...she got that from me...she is a big juice fan....i'll tell her little bit...she says..."lippit bit"...that's my girl....That's my family....never a dull moment. Those are my favorite girls in the world...married life w/ family is not that's an adjustment but it is the best thing that happened to me....that got me to thinking, "What's the best thing that happened to you?"
posted by The Sarccastik Variable Why at
10:01 AM
I was talking with a colleague of mine...and of course the obvious question came out..."what are your new year's resolution?"...something he said was interesting....he said i don't like to say resolution....i like new year's intentions....i was like that's a good idea...we all have aspirations to lose weight, study harder, (for the single man and woman)..get a boyfriend/girlfriend....but how many of us actually promise what we said on january 1.....everybody is talking shyt after a couple of drinks on new year's day....i think some of my new year's intentions are become a better christian, better husband, a better father to my beautiful daughter....(i need to send pics to gap).....basically become a better man.... Also i made some vow to myself to increase our family income by doing something outside of my normal 9 to 5 job...(been reading rich dad)* that's my new year's intentions what are yours?
* I have read Rich Dad, Poor Dad several times, I always say I'll do it....bullshitting as usual...then out of nowhere....(another 3 months)...I pick it intent is to actually produce this year.
posted by The Sarccastik Variable Why at
3:47 PM