The Sarccastik Conjugate

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

New Year's Intentions...

I was talking with a colleague of mine...and of course the obvious question came out..."what are your new year's resolution?"...something he said was interesting....he said i don't like to say resolution....i like new year's intentions....i was like that's a good idea...we all have aspirations to lose weight, study harder, (for the single man and woman)..get a boyfriend/girlfriend....but how many of us actually promise what we said on january 1.....everybody is talking shyt after a couple of drinks on new year's day....i think some of my new year's intentions are become a better christian, better husband, a better father to my beautiful daughter....(i need to send pics to gap).....basically become a better man.... Also i made some vow to myself to increase our family income by doing something outside of my normal 9 to 5 job...(been reading rich dad)* that's my new year's intentions what are yours?

* I have read Rich Dad, Poor Dad several times, I always say I'll do it....bullshitting as usual...then out of nowhere....(another 3 months)...I pick it intent is to actually produce this year.
posted by The Sarccastik Variable Why at 3:47 PM


Preach, Preacha!

I have my set of friends that says the same thing. I don't make resolutions, I make affirmations.

I WILL . . .
I WILL. . .

Whateva. Carribean - Carri-Be-An. Same thing.

The bottom line is that nothing can be accomplished unless there is a heart change. Where there is a heart change, the mind follow suit. Want me to expound. . .Like to hear it hear it goes. . .

When you change your mind, that fizzles out. The mind gets tired, and the will runs down. This is why 12 step programs, particularly forced ones in lieu of jail time do not work (in my humble opinion). They are in a controlled environment where they are told things, and then they are released to the same havoc as before. It's also why some people are successful in weight loss and others are not. Commercials will only do the trick temporarily when there is a mind change based on what is mentally aspired. The heart change will keep you going.

With a true heart change, your mind follow suit. You will may deflate, or even compress, but will never flicker out. Your mind believes comparable to what the heart wants. And nothing can and will block your path. Timelines are never an issue for me. What matter is pressing towards the mark for the price of a high calling. And we all have it.

Keep reading that book. You will make a change. The bullseye will hit, and at that point, you will only need the book for a reference point.

This is not to say I don't eff up all the time. Do I make resolutions/affirmations. Yes. Do I keep them all. Hell to the naw. But some of them, I do (at least through the halfway mark). I could use a jump in credit score, a little more cardio, and more patience. But I have made some steps. For that, this is good enough for me. In a race the next hurdle only brings the next hurdle. Bring it on.

Hang in there. Let's make it happen in the 06.


PS: Good looking out on the 'borrow money' blog from earlier.

4:28 PM  

I like the intenitons idea. I might have to steal it, too bad my estranged husband isn't thinking like you. I have been trying to give him some time (we have been sperated for 2 years, tomorrow) to grow up (he's 33) maybe one day.
Thanks for stopping by I look forward to reading your posts.

3:23 AM  

I don't like resolutions either; I make promises to myself and my main promise for this year is to fall in love with myself!!

Thanks for stopping by my spot! Don't be a stranger

9:52 AM  

I don't like resolutions either. I prefer to make goals that I want to accomplish during the course of the year, similar to your idea of intentions. As I go along my goals may get accomplished, they may change, or they may be removed altogether. At least at the end of the year I don't feel like I failed to do something that I had "resolved" to do at the beginning. That would give me a complex. :)

11:46 AM  

NY's resolutions are just "do over's"....

I have had that book for going on 3 years...

I think...

I'mma do a "do over" and follow thru on what I had planned...umm, 3 years ago... LOL

Nice post!

2:08 PM  

i like that "new years intentions" great post.m thanks for visting my spot.

5:42 PM  

I enjoyed your blog. Sounds like great intentions for yourself. I never make resolutions. But this year I said to myself I will definitely be making life changes. Thanks for your comment.

6:54 PM  

more money? check this presentation sweetie... imma tell you like this... the possibilities are endless.

i can put you on! email me after you view it or leave a comment on my blog.

1:48 AM  

you should post some pictures here....

1:37 PM  

I rather say "goals for the new year." Feel me? Resolutions are traiditional and played out.

4:51 PM  

You have GREAT resolutions!

Mine are to:

1. Complete my dissertation
2. Graduate w/my PhD
3. Lose weight
4. Exercise more
5. Eat better
6. Relax more
7. Stop stressing SO MUCH!!!

11:40 PM  

Normall I re-evaluate my life on my birthday.
But my intentions for this year is to spend more time with my family and stop being so mean.
Very doable things.

2:17 PM  

After I stopped laughing and dried the tears, I had to agree with alli-babe and say that mine are 'do overs'. Every day I choose the live life to the fullest and love myself. However there are some things I can do to better myself, and I plan a do-over this year.

Thanks for checking out my spot.

12:35 PM  

Best of luck with your New Years...intentions.

5:37 PM  

Resolutions are like promises...made to be broken. I'm with mrs.t, I usually reevaluate my life on my birthday. A new year is just another day closer to my next birthday.

Good luck with your...umm...intentions (lol).

11:34 PM  

Nice site. I'll definitely be back

2:48 PM  

no resolutions. i try to evolve daily. when that doesn't work (i mean really, that is a lofty goal), at least work toward becoming a better person regardless of the time of the year.

1:45 PM  

Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! » »

11:09 PM  

Cool blog, interesting information... Keep it UP » »

1:11 AM  

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