The Sarccastik Conjugate
Thursday, February 08, 2007
The Cast of Characters
Good Morning..Blog Family...sorry i'm just writing today it's been crazy as hell this week. I haven't had time to check my 3 came from a "Dead Man Walking" Bachelor was for my brother...The Weary Traveler...he's getting hitched in 2 mobile...but his bachelor party was's a few of the characters that were a part of the party:
Ride Or Die Chick S. - she had my brother's back...she was just a friend but you can tell instantly at the party she wasn't with any crazy drama.....
Big Sexy P - she was the treasurer...she made sure that TWT's party was straight with the money part
Big Horny Chic - she also assisted BSP made sure everything was straight for the party...after she had a stripper dude..she was a little horndog after
SexyMatureClassy - she got to the party just in time..she was a cutie, and kept to herself...but she was cool peeps and had a good time.
SexyJ - she was the hit of the party...every dude in the party was like "Who the hell is that?"...she was cool peeps...she made sure TWT was having a good time..she knew she was the life of the a sexy way
Lil-BoPeep (Light-skinned) - stripper from ATL
Lil-BoPeep (Dark-skinned) - stripper from ATL
It was a co-ed bachelor party...his fiancee wasn't there, but he had alot of girlfriends at the party....the girls had their stripper dude their first...they got all hot-n-bothered...and THERE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE STRIPPER GIRLS AFTER HIM...but of course they didn't get there on time...(nor the stripper dude...if you about need to be on time right?!!?!!??).
But in between time for the girls to come on...all the dudes and the chicas were having a good time laughing it up with alcohol in abundance. SHIT I HAD MORE FUN WITH THE CASUAL CONVERSATION THAN ANYTHING....of course we decide to go to RODCS apt. the girls come....and they're dancing...and i'm like hmm..okay...they look cute more than anything...BACK IN THE DAY THE STRIPPERS WERE STALLIONS...ARE THEIR LACK OF GOOD STRIPPERS IN THE INDUSTRY NOW!!! STRIPPERS I KNEW WERE MAKING YOU CONTEMPLATE ON GIVING HER YOUR VISA (u notice i said contemplate)...the BoPeeps were johnson (Billy Dee that is...) didn't get excited it all...he was more excited about the fully-clothed cast of character woman at the party more than anything...IT GO SO BAD...I VOLUNTARILY MADE BEER RUNS and PICKUP THE RADIO FROM THE HOTEL RUNS....AT A BACHELOR PARTY....TWT said the BoPeeps didn't get him excited neither but he was like everydude there...FUCK THE STRIPPERS WE SHOULD JUST KEPT THE FULLY-CLOTHED WOMAN AT THE HOTEL...!!! CRAZY!!!! ANY BAD BACHELOR/BACHELORETTE PARTY STORIES?????
Friday, February 02, 2007
The Game ft. Kanye West - Wouldn't Get Far
Good friday ya'll....
The Game Featuring Kanye West - Wouldn't Get Far [Unedited]
It's Friday...good morning bloggers. I hope everybody is finally ready for the Super Bowl...I know I am...i'm tired of them talking about it....How many Super Bowl Parties are you invited to? Wifey was like do you want to have your friends over...I was like Hell Naw...I wanna fix some food for my family ...drink a little something and when the game go off...probably around 12am, I can go to sleep!!!! I'm invited to a "Dead Man's Walking Party" in b''s a bachelor party for brother sarccastik (highway)....because he beats up the highway all the damn time traveling!!!
Finally Super Bowl Friday
I'm so glad that this day has finally come...i'm so tired of hearing about the superbowl.....all week..."Hey Peyton, do you watch 24 the TV Show"...what the hell that go to do with the price of tea in china?!?!?!....anyway, i'm not going to no super bowl
party...i will be home...enjoying my family..i'll make some bacardi non-alcohol drinks for me (alcohol for me) and wifey....i'm thinking about making some turkey burgers...
man i think wifey bought lil'sarccastik this barbie laptop...boy i tell you for a 2yr old she knows about half of the phrases...she's getting better at this...she can spell cat...she knows her alphabets, and stuff like..."Pen starts with the letter?"..she'll tell me "Daddy, pen starts with the letter P"...i'm like WOW!!! this little girl is amazing...were thinking about putting her in stuff...HAPPY FRIDAY!!! and watch the super bowl!! and prince!!! WHAT SONG DO YOU THINK HE'S GOING TO SING???...I'm hoping "Darlin Nikki"!!!