The Sarccastik Conjugate
Friday, June 23, 2006
An ode to "The Candy Lady"
Good morning,'s Friday ya'll (of course i won't get into that tired tirade of singing that it's Friday...i know bad taste). The last couple of days, I was just thinking how it was to have a CANDY LADY in your neighborhood. We all had one or two ladies that just sold candy ($.01-$1.50), big ass pickles in the bag full of pickle juice($.50), sodas ($.25-$.75). An it was always packed wasn't it? Who can forget LEMON HEADS...or them big ass FIREBALLS, my favorite ALEXANDER THE GRAPE...You'd see all the kids from the neighborhood 'round the corner from yours. On a hot day like this....we'd be outside, have enough change to go the CANDY LADY and go buckwild. My favorite was the "Freeze cups", or what we used to call them in B'ham.."BE-BOPS", I don't know where that came from...but we used to call it that. Oh and who can forget the CANDY LADIES PRICE, CANDY LADY "MS. THOMAS be-bops were $.50 (in a big ass plastic cup) vs. CANDY LADY "MS.PEPPER be-bops were $.25 (in a small ass styrofoam cup) was a seller's market..(i don't know if you can use that term when it comes to price wars of freeze cups but's friday). MS.THOMAS had a "nerdy" looking son, we used to go there and "dunk" all in his backyard basketball goal...that was about 8 foot...we broke the goal at least 8 times during a 2 summers...until MS.THOMAS didn' let us come over to play...and of course we got older. Do ya'll know of any CANDYLADIES in your subdivision or neighborhood? i think the demand for that went out....i shol' (sure) miss you CANDYLADY
Okay what the hell is goings (going) on with this FBI Raid...are you serious? FBI arrests 7 in alledged terror plot....okay (um) firstly (got this from stilt crazy azz)......what da (the) hell? something ain't click'n to me about this telling me cats in "Liberty City" in dade county was talkin' 'bout a matter%
I remember my candly ladies. Whew...those were the days! These kids today don't know what they're missing.
re terror
the FBI is terrorists. If those men haven't actually made steps towards blowing something up, how can they be arrested? Note that nothing was found in the place where they were living. Who said the had made plans to purchase materials to make bombs? They hadn't actually bought them. I want to see receipts. Now all you have to do is say you're muslim and you gave your life to Allah to have neighbors snooping on you and calling in the FBI. This is just like Minority Report.
Candy Lady? In East Jesus? Hell all you can buy down here is hay, peaches and manure.
Anyways, Boston baked beans were my fav. I still buy them.
candy ladeeeeeeeee!
we used to stop by ours on the way to school every morning. it wasn't even on the way, but we made a special trip for dem lemonheads and nowalayders. hehehe
oh, and the jolly ranchers, too!
when i went to visit my grandma in new york there wasn't a candy lady. instead, pink houses had a damn candy TRUCK. it sat on the corner a block away and it had ice cream and any candy you could think of. that's where i got my love for the chico stick.
for some reason i was always scared to go to the candy lady in my grandmother's neighborhood. she seemed mean...
as for having a Candy Lady in our subdivision, please, the neighbors wouldn't allow that! lol... they'd be at the Assoc. meeting complaining and making official rules barring it.
A Candy Lady? Nope. I can just imagine how fast her ass woulda got shut down up here, especially in the 'burbs where I grew up.
We have a Candylady in my hood and she's nosey. In fact she's the one who busted my daughter out for having a boy come over. So I like my neighborhood Candylady!
We really didn't have a candy lady. There was Miss Annie Lou who would sit out on her porch all day and yell at her dogs and grandsons. She was the meanest thing on the block... and craziest in the neighborhood period. Nobody ever went trick-or-treating at her house.
We had a candy lady too in our neighborhood!!! Now, that shit would be plain ass creepy, cause there's mad pedophiles and shit out and about now. But back then, ish was alot simpler...
lmao..funny cause I was talking about the candy lady....only now days you'd be crazy to have your kids getting candy from a stranger...
Remember penny candies and baked beans?? In my store now all the penny candies are 2cents. Im getting old!
omg..lemonheads and alexander the grape was my favorites along wit peanut chews and 1 cent bubble gum.. the lil blow joints.. wow.. and boston baked beans.. oh wow.. u got me flashin back.. quarter waters with a 25 bag a chips.. :)
Ok.. the terror plot thing.. SCARY..
Where did you find it? Interesting read »
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