The Sarccastik Conjugate

Friday, June 16, 2006

I had writer's block for 'bout 45mins.....

Hey blog fam, it's Friday, it's Friday, last day of the week it's Friday, so sarccastik it's on u, now u watchu gonna do.....i'm gonna get my chill on, i'm gonna get my chill on, i'm gonna get my chill on....
okay for the folks not from the "A"Town, Ryan Cameron does that every Friday before signs off to talk about what u're gonna do for the's corny i know but he's been doing it for awhile now...u know stuff that is so corny that i sticks in your head for no damn atl blog family help me out...(stilt,GP,nikki,kool,chris,ra...i know it's som 'mo folks i can't think of it right now)...ya'll let me know if i did that right....but painting the town red tomorrow's our date night, she's gonna surprise me of the location....umm..lil'sarccastik has a toy microphone so she sings ABC's, 123's, itsey bitsey spider, twinkle,'s the cutest thing....let's see what else is goings on....oh some questions for ya'll to ponder:

- How in the hell can i get this cheap tint off my car? We bought and accord that had some terrible tint on the back...(air bubbles and shyt...) Ya'll know some tips on getting it off w/o paying somebody?

- That Latoya girl..(from Destiny's Child)...Is she saying Pardon me or Part of me? Curious minds want to know...

- Is it me or that "Hoopz" chick from Flavor of Love, really ain't that "ooh wee" to me? She just look average to me....i've seen better...but would u belive their coming out w/Flavor of Love 2, i damn near drove my accord in a ditch when i heard that bullshyt....

- I like the "Men of the Round Table" Miller Lite Commercial.."Man Law"...let's see if we can come up with "Blog Law"....Bloggers of the Keyboard? That don't sound right...but you get the idea...since I'm still learning about the blogging culture...are their any blog laws I should know about? I know if a someone leaves a comment on your post, it's only right to visit theirs and do the same....are their any more?....have a good weekend!!!!
posted by The Sarccastik Variable Why at 8:56 AM


IF they did a BLOGGERS thing who would u pick to sit at the table wif u :) .....

I always thought HOOPZ was overrated.......and i wasn't HATING just STATING cute girl but not all that the world keeps making of her.....I prefered SMILEY(the Asian broad who was still in love with her husband) She was the baddest bitch on the show....can't wait for Season 2 gonna have to jack some cable

Happy WEekend!!!!!

9:57 AM  

Happy weekend to you too fam! I can't help you with that tint stuff...but I feel you, that's the absolute worst. About Hoopz..I dunno, she looks good to me. But ummm...maybe it was just because she was the best of what was left. In any other setting, she would be among the many faces. I love those Man Law commercials...those are too damn funny. I agree, we should have a round table and discuss the Blog Laws. That would be hot...

10:46 AM  

I like that commercial too.
I got a law...if you disagree with someone you gotta leave your name with your comment, can't chicken out and leave it anon! Stand behind what you had to say!
Have a good weekend!

11:10 AM  

First, I like the new format. It's actually easier to read. lol!

As for blog rules, hmmm I think the one and only rule should be to be respectful of people. Sure you can disagree but always show respect.

Have a great date night and weekend.

11:41 AM  

Have a good weekend!

1:14 PM  

I like bloggers of the keyboard...

Ummm... rules??? Respecting that bloggers house rules is the main thing. IE if they don't like profanity then I try not to use it there, etc. And then of course returning visits is always nice. Other than that I can't really think of anything...

1:26 PM  

Hmm...I'm pretty sure she's saying a part of me LOL...aww she starting her beyonce early.

Blog laws...hmmm, It's my blog I do what I want haha. Have a great weekend painting the town red or yellow whatever fits the mood haha

2:59 PM  

it's Friday, it's Friday, last day of the week it's Friday, so Pam it's on u, now u watchu gonna do.....i'm gonna get my chill on, i'm gonna get my Superman On, i'm gonna get my Fathers Day on....

Ahh I love ATL!

4:40 PM  

first let me say, thank you for stopping by my spot. i like the Miller commercials as well-- a funny and clever idea. as for blogging laws, i agree w/ respecting house rules. (i.e. no cussing)and returning a comment w/ a comment. other than that, i can't think of anything else.
i live in the A, but don't listen to the radio too much, so i can't really help you out w/ the Ryan Cameron thing, but i think that's correct.
at any rate, have a great weekend!

4:45 PM  

Happy Father's Day Sar!

7:38 PM  

If I let it rip on my blog or in my post then...I feel free to let my readers do the same...Just remember opinions are like...Ann Coulter...everybodies got one! stinks sometimes, but it serves a function.
(just thought of somethin...) All them mofo's that back link to Manolo Blahnick or Trump like they are part of the dynasty...That is plain ig'nant!

5:46 AM  

that is corny as hell! lol... i think i would pay someone to do it b/c you know it'll be done right & not have marks left all over the windows... she's saying 'part of me'

11:54 AM  

Happy Father's Day Sarrcasyik

If I cuss on my it ok to cuss in my comments if you come to my page first and left a comment? Hmmmmm...

I be fa-ken up.....I try to get to everyones page that hit me...but I right here and right now....if you hit me and I didn't respond....SORRY!

1:15 PM  

I haven't seen a "Man Law" commercial...

I agree with MochaGirl, don't bitch up! Stand for what you say, and say that shit!!

A blogger once told me there's an unspoken rule, "Don't put yo blog fam on blast!". I don't know how valid that rule is because he turns around and "blog blast" his fam, to get "blog blasted" by his fam...*lol*

In the end, it creates "bad blog blood"....*lol*

Yea, I second BLAH BLAH BLAH, sometimes my high ass forget or I don't have nothing to say, but I do check the out the spot!

1:28 PM  

Happy Father's Day, its good to see you doing ya thang with ya shawty...

1:29 PM  

"lil'sarccastik has a toy microphone so she sings ABC's, 123's, itsey bitsey spider, twinkle, twinkle" Beyond cute! I bet baby girl be working the mic. Cute, cute, too cute.

On Hoopz - girlfriend ain't that hot or that classy. Heard she popped a cop upside the head & went to jail! (But I will be sliding back to the tv to see Flavor 2. Flava 1 was a fave guilty pleasure)

Last of all: Happy Father's Day, bro.

2:14 PM  

No laws, alls good!

7:16 PM  

that toya song is wack. the bf did a remix talkin bout how horrid the writing is. "part of me wants to take a shower. part of me wants to stay in the bed. part of me wants to eat some cereal. part of me wants to make some kool-aid." waaaaaaaack.

professor gq did a great post on blogiquette (blog etiquette). don't blog advertise i.e. go to my blog for this. if you leave a comment, be specific: don't just say that was nice. or i like your blog, tell why. if you're gonna get all pissy in the comments, don't go anonymous, break yo'sef fool! that's why i don't allow anonymous comments now. foolishness. come out and be about it. i can't remember them all now, but those were the ones i most id'ed with.

8:22 AM  

Hey Sarccastik: It's been a minute, but I'm catching up. First, Happy Belated Father's Day (I actually wished you well on my'll have to check that out). Second, sorry but I can't help you with any of the answers to your me. I haven't seen the Miller commercials, but now I'm anxious to...I'll have to look out for it now.

And I agree, I think some blogger laws should be established...although I don't believe I've ever felt wronged or offended on my site (knock on wood).'s all about respect...and consideration!

6:49 AM  

I am way late with the Father's day wish, hope you had a good one. Well, to answer the question about Latoya it sounds like she's saying Part Of Me. As for the tint in your car you should get it done professionally otherwise you'll mess it up if you try to do it yourself.

8:29 PM  

Looks like you enjoyed your Father's Day.

I think Hoopz kept it a wee bit TOO real. She's a beautiful girl, but her 15 minutes were up before the Flave Reunion show aired.

Window tint... hmmm, got a box or carpet cutter?

11:04 PM  

*blush* I like the Friday and squirt (the little one) do it together every week. I guess I'm corny then huh...well fugget you too hmmmpf LOL

9:25 AM  

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