The Sarccastik Conjugate

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Getting caught....

We've all had it happen in our lives...getting caught stealing, cheating or saying something that we wasn't supposed it say. Well, let 's talk about it damnit....ya'll are sitting down in the Sarccastik Lounge and telling me about the time you got caught.....I'll start it off...
Okay, i was in Bham just graduated and thought i was on top of the world. Me and my homeboy got a apt. We had them coming in and a revolving door....We was runnin' the chicks...i met this chick named "Tat"....she was in her 30s kinda uppity, single about a 6.5 or 7 (depend on what she wore)...and she was cool...ASU alum...we hung out tight for a couple of months...during which i met "Eunice Chantilly"....she was "hood"...but you know it's something about them "hood"chicks a dude need in his life from time to time...anyway...i think (amnesia kicks in)...i promised eunice to come thru on the late because it was her b'day..she said she would but she would go hang out w/her sista and she'll call for the "3rd shift" action...why my dumb ass forget about that and go hang out w/ i get Tat to the house and all of a sudden i'm like who in the hell have their "high-beam" in my damn bedroom time goes by (paid it no mine cuz i'm trying to "hit 'cross Tat" for the longest) nothing happens and i escort "Tat" out the still there w/the lights on...come to find out 45 mins later after "Eunice" and her sister threaten "Tat" about me they come back...eunice come back drunk and like "i can't believe you had another chick in her..." yada, my roomate's cuzin ("Flop") is sleep on the floor...know why didn't he tell me that eunice called while "Tat" was there...(scandalous....) FLOP get's up, and starts laughing like this is fuckin "Days of our Lives"...rolls a blunt and is in the middle of the conversation..he's calling my roomate and everybody else it's damn near 2am...mind you i was the real nice guy of the click...he's adding his 2 cents like he's the dman writer/producer of this drama...."hmm hmm eunice he didn't call you on your birthday"...he saying shyt like that and more , "I wouldn't take it if i was you"......i'm like this sommabitch's was squashed after that but "Flop" still laughs about it everytime i see him....come to think of it was kinda funny....
posted by The Sarccastik Variable Why at 9:21 AM


6'5? That's a big ol' broad you had there!!!

I 've been "caught" so many times I can't even begin to tell you a story.
First off, I'm bad at lying so I try not to, which always leaves me looking like "the deer in headlights" because I can't think of a quick enough response, so I laugh. Yea, that doesn't go over well either. ...but at that point, what can I say, "fuck it! I've been caught"...then I laugh it off.

9:45 AM  

you meant on a scale of 10?...ok ok ok...whateva what I didn't get it!

9:46 AM  

yEAH I THINK HE meant she was a 6.5 but a 7 on a good day...:)

I can say none of my BOYFRIENDS have ever CAUGHT me doing anything...the most was checking my voice mail messages or seeing a text from somebody but nothing serious. I know ppl that have waited in the bushes, ran up in negros cribs with blades and shit.....ready for action

9:55 AM  

uh, i've already written about my 'getting caught' episode. i was screwing...he walked in while i was doing it. the end. LOL

and did you have an 'understanding' with these sistas? i mean, were you supposed to be exclusive?

10:13 AM  

never been caught in any acts...but i have been sloppy and left clues, like texts, letters & ish. but i always had good recoveries. back then, that stuff was fun for me, seeing what i could get away with. how dumb!

10:23 AM  

Dang LOL....don't you hate when someone forgets to pass on a message...ah well

Hmm caught, no I, Honey-Libra don't get caught haha..sike I don't do anything that I ca get caught from....

10:34 AM  

hmmm, i can't think of anything. I was probably too drunk to remember.

1:19 PM  

Damn...ya'll are mad ill. Call me naive, but I go with honesty as much as I can. I can't keep up with lies...I have too many damn thoughts running through my head as it is...

1:53 PM  

Oh I got caught in the worst way in High school by my mom having phone sex. The shit still gives me that awful chill when I think of it. Nice post Holla

2:35 PM  

LOL... sounds like ur pimp shoes werent tied tight! hahaha

I was never caught in the act... im nice w/ mines ;-)

3:28 PM  

I was norty back in the day and got caught out a few times,but i just laughed it off,thats the fun in life.

3:32 AM  

I've never been caught, and I have stopped playing the game... I got out while the gettin' was good!

10:38 AM  

I had got back together with my man, but the guy I was supposed to break up with I never really left him alone. One morning me and my man was in bed and the other guy knocked on my door. I told my man I didn't know who it was. He looked out the window and didn't recognize the guy either so he left it alone. The guy left and came right back and my man went to open the door. Needless to say the guy at the door was pissed to see another man answer the door and my man was pissed to find out me and the dude was still dealing with each other.

12:30 AM  

yo, my rule of thumb: neva let a chick know where you live unless y'all been pullin the gravedigga's shift for about 6 months. After I tell them that, they usually only hang around for about 3-4 weeks.

Except "Brown Suga Cane"...Goood lawd, I swear I'd stalk her if I felt like going through the trouble.

10:16 AM  

Yea Nikki, that was some way to get caught, wasn't it a little tantalizing to get caught though? just wondering....

Sarcasstik, you don't mind if I put a spin on this do you?

11:37 AM  

Never been caught, but when I lived with my mom she would try to bust me. Like a dude would call and she would be like 'which on are you? are you brian? you aren't brian...oh he was here last night. are you kevin? right you couldn't be kevin he just called'. she didn't believe in keeping your options open.

11:52 AM  

Ooh. Just reading this makes me nervous.

I have never been hella-busted. But I HAVE been in too many almost busted sit-shee-a-shuns that have made me sweat bullets.

It's comparable to the feeling that I have when you almost get into a wreck and your heart is beating so bad you have to turn the radio down and/or pull over.

Hey, maybe it's just me.

12:54 PM  

Back in the day I forgot to lock my dorm room door & caught by my roomate & her boyfriend getting ready to get down with my man. Sooooo embarrassing!

1:41 PM  

I'm like TTD I'm slick with my ish. Like a cat I covered mine up! Tell...there's nothing to tell. But it did feel good to get away with something that no one knows about.

2:22 PM  

At least you got busted by Eunice & not Miss 6.5 - she could probably hurt you, and in ways you would not like! LOL

8:53 PM  

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