The Sarccastik Conjugate

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

We all have that one friend...or associate or whatever!?!?!

Good Morning...Blog Family. Hope everybody's weekend was restful. It started out as a beatiful day...then some idiot who don't know how to walk across a street almost got splattered on the Sarccastik SUV. Phreakin' Idiot...I don't get points for hitting your dumb ass....last minute she saw me coming....Anyway, this is a story of my boy I call...hmm...O-Town's Craziest....We went to school in "The Gump" back in '93...we've been cool ever since...but over the years he just do some of the craziest things that's just funny.....I don't make up characters in my story....I don't think I can make him up...Here's just a few of the funny things that he's done....Some may consider it funny...some may consider it being a jerk....I'll let you decide:

- I was home and a good friend of mine Milwaukee's Finest decided she want to cook me dinner...though me an MF was never sexually intimate...I must confess I did try back in school but it didn't pan out so I just used her friendship to try and "fold" her friends...(I know crazy!!!) Anyway..she hooked up some wings...OC (I need ya'll to keep up) came thru...with a Burger King back...he ate some whopper w/fries....WHY DID TAKE SOME OF THE FOOD MF COOKED FOR ME!!!! MF was like Sarccastik get your boy, or he's gonna get "CUSSED THE FUCK OUT"!!! So after I calmed her down...I'm like come here already eating and then gon' take some of my chicken wings...we ain't got but 8 wings...and you take 2!!!!!

- OC went to Atlanta for the weekend...he met my cousin "Charlie Hustle from the Dec". Okay OC, Charlie Hustle and another of my homeboys "New Jerzey K" go out to Dugan's....for some strange reason...NJK driving his car and hit the exit ramp to hard and hit one of the metal wasn't too bad. But they still wanted to kick it...CHD doesn't have a car...but OC does...but he's like, "Naw man I ain't drivin'"...they like dude...we almost home just get your car and we can be out!!! so after coaxing this dude for 1hr to get him to drive....They go to Dugan's hanging out and enjoying themselves....OC ain't got no money (how the hell do you go to ATL in college with no money and no fam?!?!!??) so CHD pays for nachos for OC....OC "nibbles" on the nachos and decided to take it home....LOL!!!!! CHD's like 'hol' up dude...that's an appetizer (small appetizer) ain't taking that home dude!!! you eat that here!!!!

- Me and wifey are married and come home after a long day of work...OC call and leave a message, "Hey Sarccastik, I got some friends over here you should meet..holla at your boy!!!"...So after I get to calm wifey down....I call him like can't leave no messages like that....This ain't College!!!! He wanted me to be wingman because of some chick he's trying to "fold". Now the chick he wanted me to play wingman with...I tried to "kick it" with her...but that was a long time ago!!! Woman pick up on stuff like that...don't just say I got friends over...say who the really are....don't get me messed up...cuz you trying to fukk!!!

- OC met this chick Decatur's Mint Condition (DMC)...she's a huge Mint Condition fan...anyway..he decides to "drop" by her crib...unannounced...then..he does the ol' George Costanza...leaves some shorts over her house..and try to come back the next day.....this fool stop at a pay phone..he sees her car out there...and is hollerin' at 11pm at night...'bout some damn shorts...."DMC I see you in there"....

It's amazing though...DMC is a good friend of wifey sarccastik...I didn't met at the time...but when i met wifey and then i met DMC...i was like..i remember DMC...i was with OC when he was hollerin at her!! SMALL WORLD!!!

We all have that one friend who others think is strange. I want to hear stories of other strange friendships!!! Have a good Tuesday ya'll!!!
posted by The Sarccastik Variable Why at 7:23 AM


HAHAHA, yah boy is a mess! The joint where he left the message for you to come meet some friends was fun-ny!

Let me marinate on some stories and get back w/cha!

8:03 AM  

Hi! Thanks for stopping by. Your comment reminded me of a recipe that I said I would post.

My one friend is...well...crazy. She has a safe and there's about 3 of us who know the combination. In the safe is a gun, important papers, and enough money to get her out on bail for a 4th degree assault charge. LMAO!!! Any yes, We've had to get her ass out of jail!

9:53 AM  

WEll actually let my friends tell the story and tehy will say im the weird one but i think im normal

10:41 AM  

WOW...he sounds like a mess! LOL I'm mad he called asking you to be wingman LOL...umm boo get a life who does that anymore..then again apparently him

11:16 AM  

Funny Stuff! We all have friends like that. Holla!

11:16 AM  

People like that you can only deal with in short spurts. He would drive me insane. I have a girl who is a trip and ALWAYS does crazy things, but for the life of me, I can't come up with any stories. When on hits me I'll have to come back and share.

11:44 AM  

lol... I think I'm the strange one with my friends..but not strange like your Boy OC...I think I can't really say out of the people I hang with, they all have those moments..way too often I think we are the most least bashful banal bunch.... nothing but brazen babes here.. (I got a lil 'b' crazy at the end)

1:38 PM  

The episode with wifey remeinds me of "you , me & dupree"...LOL

2:09 PM  

I have some freinds that are slightly strange, but your boy is off the charts. LMAO at taking home the nachos he did pay for.

7:21 PM  

Lol...I think I can say that I don't have friends like OC!!! I would have kicked them all to the curb by now. Can't believe he left the message that your wife heard...he would have had to pay for that one!

10:14 PM  

Wow I don't have any unstable friends like that. I'm probably the craziest bitch out of us all so I better not pass judgment.


10:36 PM  


That's rich...good post fam

Still a little burnt by that "UM by 10" madness ...jerk



The Messageboard

4:24 AM  

Your boy is OFF the hook!!! I mean totally off the hook...we do all have those friends...I am sitting here trying to think of my one off the HOOK friend that does stuff like that...I don't know if I have one that is THAT off the hook...but you are right, we all have that ONE...

10:01 AM  

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