The Sarccastik Conjugate
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Halloween (Fall Festival) Costumes
Well, I don't know how many of ya'll will be attending Halloween (Fall Festival) Costume Parties but i think we will be going this year. We hopefully will attend the GreenLight Entertainment Party this holloween (fall festival).
I got a couple of outfits on my mind that i wanna try, give me ya'll suggestions:
Morpheus - Matrix...Laurence Fishburne
V for Vendetta - The costume look super cool.
Homie the Clown - Ya'll know homie don't play dat!!!!
If ya'll were going to a Halloween (Fall Festival) Costume Party, Which costume will you wear?
I can't wait to hear some of the answers.....
Homie the Clown! I know it's a bit retro, but that outfit would be the funniest. As an added bonus you would get to hit people over the head with a little sac full of rocks. He used rocks...right?
Umm, I'mma have to see a pic of Sarccastik to give my opinion of what he should wear.
I say...go as the Empire State Building and attch a little stuffed gorilla at the top...and pin a K on his back.
Or have Ms. Sarccastik go as a electric socket and you go as the plug....
Those are great ideas. . . you should take pictures dressed as whoever you decide . . . my pick would be Homie. . .lol
I love me some LF, so I say Morpheus. Homie would be funny tho' I have never seen v for vendetta
hmmm...I wouldn't mind being Homie the Clown...I have dressed up for Halloween since I was under 18, and I cannot remember what age was that.
Go as Token from South Park :)
...I like the V jump off though
Good lookin out on the messageboard too...good addition...Steelers fan or not
For me, I guess it would have to be what you could "get into" the most for the night. If I wanted to feel cool and philisophical, while still having that, "I could kick your a**" mentality, I'd go as Morpheus.
But, if you're feeling like the "revolutionary" the Guy Fawkes mask definitely makes the statement. Feelin' sarcastic, Sarccastik? Homey the Clown -"That's just another long list of lies perpetrated by The Man to keep a brutha down!" I love the choices!
HHHHmmmmmm tough one......MOrpheus is too easy..just find some round shades and u golden.....problem is ppl will be asking who u are all nite...They sure dont make good black men costumes do they? WEll if i got dressed up i would be Pocahantas
OK I HATE CLOWNS!!! So I can't even look at this post. But *ehem* I'm Back LOL!! (As a spectator at least)
a dominatrix, a cat. the bf was tyrone biggums one year. it was well-liked.
The Naughty Nurse, Curvaceous Cop, Titillating Teacher.
You know the deal. LOL.
I've never been one for the costume parties, but hey, that's just me. I'm am liking the Homie the Clown idea though. That would be too cute. I'm looking forward to seeing picture, whatever you decide.
I like the Empire State Building idea.
I haven't dressed up in years, but I think I'd like to be "the boss' daughter". That would require a blonde wig, chewing gum, a finger nail file, and a cell phone at my ear all night. I can do my Becky accent all night! LOL
Be Homie Da Clown- cause he don’t mess around!
I absolutely hate dressing up for Halloween...I know, I'm a party pooper! Have fun at the party though!
Have I ever mentioned that clowns freak me out. I would much rather see a blood thirsty alien than a clown. I think it's deep in my brain that clowns are just bad. :)
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