The Sarccastik Conjugate
Monday, December 11, 2006
Laid Off Christmas Party
Good Morning Blog Family....It's been crazy the last couple of days here...As I mentioned before in earlier posts that MCK acquired my company PSTI. So it's Christmas time and some are concerned, some are just let the holidays come and we'll think about it later. WELL.....MCK had other ideas....last week they "escorted" 6 employees from the Reconciliation Dept. I have no idea what that dept. does. You know that feeling like people are still trying to work but you see 6 employees one by one unpacking their drawers and things. People were shocked...MCK kept promising that they wouldn't do anything until February...(but since my background is in business mgmt. i didn't belive them) but people here were shocked (i know i already used that word shocked is what it is!!) and in awe. I was like "WOW"....early thursday morning.....the 6 woman always sit right in front of nice...they talk about grandkids, kids...some are single so imagine my disappointment when I heard they were laid off. MCK has automated the Reconciliation process so...again it was a disappointing site. Now everybody is actually on "pins and needles" just hoping they aren't next. SO WHO KNOW'S YA'LL!!!
The Christmas party we had was a good thing. Again, we all knew what happened just 2 days ago laying some people was good to get in the festive mood. I brought some leftover lights we had from home, someone brought a Christmas tree, we had music and people brought food. I brought some Wifey's Famous Meat Dish. Her recipe is's good for football time to me...and new year's.
Wifey's Meat Dish:
2lb Ground Beef
2 cans of Tostidos Salsa Con Queso Cheese Dip
1 can of Rotel Mild Salsa
Brown meat and drain. In a big pan, open 1 can of Cheese dip, add the meat, then another Cheese dip. And finally, add the Rotel. Mix it all together and put it on the stove on low for maybe 10 minutes. Server with some Lime Tostidos Chips OH BOY!!!
It was a hit....i didn't have none left to bring. What are you bringing for your holiday party?
Hmm looks like I am going to have to use this recipe for our Christmas party, excuse me, "Holiday Party" (they kill me with that) on Thurs. I am supposed to bring the appetizer so this recipe plus some deviled eggs and I am done! Thanks! :)
wow that dip sounds really good! That really sucks that people are being laid off right around the hollidays. Nobody has job security anymore!
PS I'm a fellow Georgian! I miss home! :(
Job Security is like Horse and Buggy...doesn't exsist other than the movies!
You know I am sure that the actual human beings that layed the people off have it hard...because hell they KNOW the real deal. Remember Management is a theory carried out by human being! IT is ironic that they call them Human Resources, huh?
Hey Sarccastik...
That's really sad that people have been laid off a few weeks before Christmas.
But the Lord closes doors when new doors need to be opened. So they will be fine if they trust in the Lord.
Pray you aren't next.
Whats "MCK" and "PSTI"?
This year our job is having it off-site. Its on the 14th where they give out the yearly employee awards. I aint going though. YOu can't bring any guests and i dont like any of my co workers (not the ppl in my dept)to wanna mingle with them. Een though I should WOW them when they see me in my regular clothes.
The recipe looks good!
Since i don't work on the Plantation,
I don't have holiday parties... in the office-
but drinks or drugs are always good party favors in the "industry" hahahaha!
No. I'm serious.
Our christmas party at work considers of collectively going to a bar and getting drunk - the one thing people don't seem to think about is getting home!
Didn't go last year - not really sure this year!
Many other christmas parties to go to from different departments (departmental over here as in a hospital!)
and friends house parties so might miss that one out.
Might have to ship some of that food over to the UK!!!
Damn shame about those lay-offs..not fair and not right at this time of cruel.
Ours is tomorrow.
And we are having the little white elephant party (BOO - Boring) as well.
I'm with curvy nervy. . .Not the best time of year to do it and I know why they ARE doing it at this time of year. . .Usually people get their vacation balances at the beginning of the year and they probably want to cut down costs, because when you lay someone off, even in a state that doesn't pay out for vacation time when you leave the company, you are to pay them for the vacation time.. .
Hang in there, our beautiful brother. . .
I'm bringing myself LOL
I'm bringing my appetite.
Sounds dope.
I ain't bringing a thing...I'm not going to any...
First off, this sorry ass Blogger Beta shit is pissing me the hell off, I keep trying to log in and the shit does NOT cooperate! This is The Mistress but I had to post as anonymous.
But whoo you're wife's dish sounds SO GOOD! I wanna make it at my house now! Thanks for the recipe playa!
And oh my gawd I hope your job is secure!!!!
holiday party? I never participate.
Our company's been doing the "layoff layaway" since we merged. Used to let folks go that day with 30 days pay + severance. Now they tell you 30 days ahead & expect you to show up & work until d-day. That dip is the bomb! I actually took 7-layer salad (actually 6 layers cause I skip the guacamole).
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