The Sarccastik Conjugate

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Just 2 points

POINT 1: Okay this is the problem, I got....How in the hell are you paying possibly $5,000 to $10,000 for tuition and the damn school runs out of heat and lights. HELLO!!!! THIS IS AN INSTITUTION OF HIGHER LEARNING!!! Sister Sarccastik called me last night and talked about my school...Alabama State University...ran out of hot water...i'm like WHAT?!?!?! okay a couple of months ago..she didn't have A/C in the dorms in the hot ass summer....I don't know if anybody out here experienced hot Montgomery weather...IT'S LIKE A DAMN OVEN!!!! Now they don't have hot water?!?!?! Check the story about lack of hot water at Alabama State University....It bothers me to see and hear stories like that.....maybe we SHOULD TRY AND JUMP UP TO DIVISION hear the astronomical payoffs that these conferences have for such things as the WeedEater Pickle Bowl....but i digress. I would suggest any kid going to an HBCU....but the first semester stay on campus...that's it!!!!! After that...get somekind Boarding Room or Apt!!!

POINT 2....Cherokee County in Georgia...i think it's about 45 minutes drive outside of atlanta voted last night to target landlords who rent to illegal immigrants. The Landlords will not get rent portion if they don't provide legal documentation about their tenants. If they knowingly rent to immigrants, NO RENT FOR LANDLORDS!!!....but that ain't the KICKER....Cherokee County also voted to make English the official language of the federal government. WOW!!!!! So If i decided to go down to Cherokee an speak EBONICS will I get a ticket or ordinance?!?!?! I said I was going to learn Spanish...I need to hurry up and learn it and drive to Cherokee and open a restaurant ONLY SPANISH SPEAKING PATRONS!!!! these folks are killing the hell are you going to force everybody to speak english?!?!? AIN'T THAT A BITCH!?!?!?!. I know your saying, "WHAT!?!?!?" THIS IS THE SOCIETY WE LIVE IN...YOU ARE FORCED TO SPEAK ENGLISH?!?! SO ALL MY BILINGUAL PEOPLE NEED TO SPEAK ONLY!!! damn sad society we live in!!!

what the hell is wrong with blogger..i can't upload an image

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posted by The Sarccastik Variable Why at 6:19 AM




That's not a so nice situation, but it could have been worse--like all the food was contaminated or high levels of something in the water.

So let's pray that it comes back together and be happy that there was a way to bathe.

That really sucks....

9:47 AM  

The official language of Miami is Spanish.

10:47 AM  

I'm feeling lil sis'...When I was a student at Tuskegee back in '96, we had that issue of no hot water...Administration expected for us to go to the dorm next door to take showers!!!!

5:10 AM  

What's up with your peeps at ASU? There is NO reason and justification for that. Did they forget to pay that PINK past due notice. LMAO!


We won't even go there with the english as the primary language. Foolishness, I tell ya. Foolishness-ness. If that's the case, then English shouldn't be the main language, considering the fact that all of this land belongs to the Native Americans.


6:33 PM  

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11:13 PM  

I agree with the government on this one Mr. Sarccastik. Respectfully...ENGLISH is the fuckin' language here! This country is not gonna cater to folks who can't communicate in English! I feel very strongly about that.

Them speaking Spanish isn't the issue...they can speak it all they want. REFUSING to learn OUR language and not being able to communicate with people here is the issue. So many of them have no interest in learning English and put forth NO effort to do so. It's fucking LAZY! How do they expect to be taken seriously or respected in any way? But yet they sneaked their tamale asses over our border so they could live here. WTF!

Sorry bout the in Phoenix with all these illegals has pushed me over the edge.

And this is from a woman who has fucked a Mexican and is dying to fuck another Mexican who happens to be my boss.

But he speaks ENGLISH THO~!

Oh and don't get me started about an institution of higher learning NOT HAVING HOT WATER.


11:15 PM  

Ah - there you are!!
Now I have catchup to do...

12:22 AM  

the same thing happened at Spelman and the other AUC schools this past week--- no hot water and no heat. why? well, it seems the boiler at CAU went out, the boiler that supplies heat to Spelman, Morehouse and CAU.

my question is why are they still using a boiler? Isn't this 2006?!

12:32 AM  

Mistress I am right there with you on that. They need to learn english. There is no reason to be in the country for 10, 20 years and not know English.

No hot water in the dorms. Wonder if the students can withold tuition..LOL. But this is a serious matter.

9:39 PM  

LMAO @ The Mistress.

You gotta love that woman.

12:44 PM  

I work at an insitution of higher education and even LOWER STANDARDS...I tell you that universities and colleges are more in it for revenue than educating these knuckle heads. I mean I am in some of those meetings when services are being cut and eliminated. As a professionAL with some ethics I have to go face the students..with my good Negro face and "tell" them everything is okay.

I know you say live on campus than move off...I disagree. Landlords prey on students...understand that. I would rather for students to be on campus with some standards and city compliance than with landlords that prey on students. Landlords don't have their own security or police force, and don't care about keeping up with code, or giving you due notice, or protect your mail, or make sure that the sidewalks are clear, or do background checks on contracted services, etc, etc.

You know and living on campus is suppose to be rough..but at the same time students would be having so much fucking fun...they don't need a roof..because that muthasucka should be "on fire". Get me?

1:13 PM  

To pay so much to attend a school that can't even supply proper utilities is outrageous.
As far as your point 2 goes - this society crumbles a bit more every day.

MADNESS!!! - Absolute Madness!!!


7:16 AM  

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