The Sarccastik Conjugate
Monday, January 15, 2007
The Sarccastik Intervention
Okay it's been made public how much i love my and lil'sarccastik was going at it last night....I bought her a Barney 3 Disc DVD, i think it was around 15 bucks. She watched it quite a bit yesterday, going from back and forth from the CD's. Around her bedtime, 9:00pm, I told her "Okay, that's enough's time for bed". She was like "No!!!, I wanna watch Barney"....that went on for a minute, I gave her a bath and still telling her "Nope it's time for bed"....This little girl decide to take measures in her own hands....She took a BITE out of my shoulder....All I could do was call wifey...because right now the amount of pain she bit into my shoulder I probably would've done unjust punshiment. Now mind you this is the 4th time...1st time, i bit her back..(15months..she didn't like that) 2nd time...pop'd fi' shyt out of her (24months). The last two time she bit me, I didn't do anything...wifey took care of that...(she got in lil'sarccastik's ass). But we decided if she wants to bite, go to sleep in your own bed....OOhhh, she holl'rd off and on all night..."Somebody help me"..."Is anybody there" "Help, I'm scared of my room"...There's nothing in her room..but her toys...She finally went to sleep around 11 or was it 12am...then she'll wake up...say she gotta go potty...I'll get her and put her right back in bed..."Dada, I'm sorry I won't bite no more"...I said, "okay, but your still going in your bed"...she'll holler for another 1hr but go to sleep. She'll be 3 in April, we need to buy her full size rails and boxsprings and mattress.
We'll be struggling sleep wise for the next couple of days...but she has got to sleep in her bed...Now...i'm strolling over to get my 3rd cup of cappuccino!! have a good day!!
Damn. I keep saying I want kids, but I am always amazed at the patience exhibited by parents.
Oh my damn, I feel you. We just put Curly Jr. in her big girl bed, and lemme tell you every night that chile try and creep in my bed. I don't mind, but Daddy do, cuz it kill his action LOL.
Good luck, don't back down and the second night is always easier (cuz she overtired).
Keep us posted.
The terrible twos. Wow.
I think I'll give my kids away at that age.
You and the wife exert patience that I pray that I have.
Biting? when my nephew bit me *barney is the freaking devil I tell you he's placing little devilish codes in kids' brain* I bit him back. He was so surprised he never did it again.
Ah the infamous big girl bed...damn my moms really shouldve kicked me out the bed, I still go home and crawl in bed with her...oh wait I wasnt supposed to say that....
@ Sarccastik
why do people find it so strange that I hate to miss previews? In fact I don't even talk during them, I give the evil eye to folks who talks during it. Once the radio or w/e that music is stops...all conversation cease. I dont even get up to use the bathroom.
Oh yeah I also think, although she bit you, she does the whole routine that I know so well which I think is so cute.." anyone TO SLEEP TENACIOUS!!"
ah the sounds of my youth
Awwww...ur little one sounds like a mini-me. I, too, was a biter. That didn't last long, though. My father started letting my older brothers bite me back. Not a good look.
I hated the big girl bed until I actually wanted to be a big girl. Looks like your mini-me is still daddy's little me, there is nothing wrong with that! :) (until she has to go potty at two in the morning...)
The things lil kids say when they are in "distress" somebody help me is anybody there. I'd be cracking lil god daughter tried to fall out on me and I laughed so hard she stopped crying and was staring at me LOL...I bite back though LOL
WOnder whre she got that from? ANd please dont become like my aunt. My cousin slept in the bed with his parents until he was 11......
It always makes me smile when you talk about the lil one..she so reminds me of my niece, it seems tough but somewhere around 4 they tend to calm down a whole lot. You'll make it through.
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